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Institutul Național al Patrimoniului - Monumente istorice



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Monumente istorice

Monumente istorice (58)

Ansamblul Monumental "Calea Eroilor", Tîrgu Jiu
Numele monumentului
Ansamblul Monumental "Calea Eroilor", Tîrgu Jiu
Proprietarul monumentului/ administrator
Consiliul Municipal Tîrgu Jiu
Autoritati publice sau private responsabile pentru monument
Consiliul Municipal Tîrgu Jiu, Ministerul Culturii si Cultelor
Adresa postala
Coordonate geografice
Localizare pe harta României
45°02'02"N, 23°16'29"E

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Motivatia pentru înscrierea pe Lista Patrimoniului European
Ansamblul de arta moderna de la Tîrgu Jiu este o capodopera a geniului creator uman, datorat unuia din promotorii de frunte a artei moderne. Ansamblul realizat în România este singura lucrare de arta monumentala de amploare creata de Constantin Brâncusi care avea la data conceperii ansamblului (1935-1936) o recunoastere mondiala.
Descrierea monumentului si rolul jucat in istoria Europei
Intregul ansamblu monumental este un omagiu adus eroilor cazuti în timpul primului razboi mondial.
Componentele ansamblului sunt situate de-a lungul arterei de circulatie "Calea Eroilor", având o lungime de 1,5 km. cu orientarea generala est-vest.
Componentele ansamblului :
Masa tacerii - este situata în Gradina Publica lânga malul râului Jiu. Este realizata din piatra (calcar de Bampotoc) si este înconjurata de 12 scaune de piatra rotunde (în forma de clepsidra). Anul realizarii: 1938.
Aleea scaunelor - 30 scaune din piatra, patrate (în forma de clepsidra) dispuse de o parte si de alta a aleii în grupuri de câte trei, fac legatura înte grupul Mesei tacerii si poarta Sarutului situata spre est, la intrarea în parc. Anul realizarii:1937-1938.
Poarta sarutului - este un portal de mari dimensiuni realizat din travertin. Motivul decorativ este cel "al sarutului". Anul realizarii:1937-1938.
Coloana - situata în parcul cu acelasi nume este considerata în general componenta cea mai importanta a ansamblului. Este constituita dintr-o suita de module din fonta alamita (16 module având 180x90x45 cm. fiecare si doua semimodule, cu înaltimea totala de 29 m.)
Anul realizarii:1937-1938.
Istoricul monumentului si rolul jucat in istoria Europei
Brâncusi a fost solicitat în 1935 de catre sotia primului ministru, din partea Ligii Nationale a Femeilor din Gorj, sa construiasca un monument comemorativ în memoria eroilor gorjeni cazuti în timpul primului razboi mondial, a fost de a ridica numai o coloana de 16 module. Mai tarziu, Brâncusi a adaugat o poarta monumentala si apoi o masa si un grup de scaune realizate din travertin de Bampotoc.
Desi realizate ulterior si fara sa prezinte analogii stilistice cu Coloana, piesele litice sunt intr-o relatie simbolica cu aceasta din urma, ele constituind un ansamblu coerent simbolic.
Intre momentul primirii temei si inaugurarea monumentului este un interval de trei ani, în care Brâncusi a proiectat si chiar a executat personal parti ale ansamblului, în paralel cu proiectul unui templu eroto-thanatic în India pentru Maharajahul din Indore.
Poarta Sarutului a fost inaugurata pe data de 7 noiembrie 1937, împreuna cu biserica Sfintii Apostoli Petru si Pavel iar Coloana pe data de 27 octombrie 1938, când s-a inaugurat si sfintit întregul ansamblu, imediat dupa sfintirea monumentului comemorativ de la Marasesti.
In prezent, ansamblul realizat de Constantin Brîncusi este reabilitat prin lucrari de restaurare propriu-zisa a obiectelor componente ale ansamblului si prin lucrari de punere în valoare a acestora în cadrul sitului. Lucrarile începute in 1995 au durat 10 ani, fiind o lucrare de restaurare de ample proportii care a comportat investitii deosebite din partea fodurilor guvernamentale si prin imprumut de la Banca Mondiala.
Sistemul de protectie al proprietatii culturale, monumentului, obiectivului natural sau urban, ori a sitului care a jucat un rol important în istoria Europei, daca exista
Legea monumentelor Istorice, cu modificarile ulterioare, Inscris în Lista Monumentelor Istorice 2004, sub codul GJ-III-a-A-09465, municipiul Tîrgu Jiu, Calea Eroilor. 1937-1938
Starea de conservare a sitului/obiectivului
Prin lucrarile de restaurare si punere în valoare întreprinse sunt create premise favorabile pentru schimburi culturale pentru încadrarea în trasee culturale europene.
Politica de marcare a monumentului
Ansamblul brâncusian ofera un cadru ideal pentru desfasurarea unor manifestari culturale, comunitare. Ansamblul de arta monumentala creat de Constantin Brâncusi este accesibil publicului pentru care au fost create facilitati prin amenajarea peisagera a cadrului ambiant care pune în valoare componenta artistica (Parcul coloanei , Gradina publica, strada Calea Eroilor, Muzeul de Arta).
Brâncusiana-Colocviu cu participare intern ationala "Brancusi 130" (Târgu Jiu, 17.02.2006 - 19.02.2006) :
- Simpozion "Actualitatea lui Brancusi";
- Expozitie si lansare de carte pe suport traditional si pe CD;
- Decernarea premiilor "Brâncusi";
- Deplasare documentara la Hobita;
-Vizitarea Ansamblului Monumental "Calea Eroilor".
Evenimente legate de momentul împlinirii a 50 de ani de la intrarea în eternitate a marelui artist:
Memorialul Brâncusi - colocviu international, pelerinaj la casa-muzeu din satul natal Hobita, Te Deum la biserica de lemn din Hobita, lansari de publicatii, spectacole, colocvii (Hobita, 15.03.2007 - 17.03.2007).
Organizatori :
Primaria Târgu Jiu, Consiliul local Târgu Jiu, Directia Judeteana pentru Cultura Culte si Patrimoniul Cultural National, Centrul de cultura si arta Constantin Brâncusi,
Schimburi culturale/internationale
Figura centrala în miscarea artistica moderna, Constantin Brâncusi este considerat unul din cei mai mari sculptori ai secolului al XX-lea. Sculpturile sale se remarca prin eleganta si puritatea formei si prin utilizarea sensibila a materialelor, artistul combinând simplitatea artei populare românesti cu rafinamentul avantgardei pariziene. Verticalitatea, orizontalitatea, greutatea, densitatea cât si importanta acordata luminii si spatiului sunt trasaturile caracteristice ale creatiei lui Brâncusi. Opera sa a influentat profund conceptul modern de forma în sculptura, pictura si desen.
Surse de finantare
Buget Consiliul judetean
Ministerul Culturii si Cultelor, prin Planul National de Restaurare
Activitati care sunt prevazute în viitor
Consiliul judetean:
2004-2005-Brâncusi on-line-Program pentru transmiterea on-line a operelor brâcusiene (Primariamunicipiului Târgu Jiu - valoare 100 000).
2005-2007- Punerea în valoare din punct de vedere peisagistic a operelor brâncusiene (Primaria municipiului Târgu Jiu, Centrul de Cultura Constantin Brâncusi - valoare 100 000).
2010 - Târgu Jiu, capitala culturala europeana - tinut de bastina al triadei Constantin Brâncusi, Tudor Arghezi, Elvira Godeanu (Primaria municipiului Târgu Jiu si alte surse - valoare 300 000 Euro).
Links Centrului Municipal  de Cultură „CONSTANTIN BRÂNCUŞI”
Palais Des Cantacuzins
Muntenia, Ville de Bucarest
Nom de la propriété culturelle, du monument, du site naturel ou urbain, ou du site ayant joué un rôle important pour l'histoire européenne.

Palais Des Cantacuzins
Le Musee National "Georges Enesco"

Propriétaire de la propriété culturelle, du monument, du site naturel ou urbain, ou du site ayant joué un rôle important pour l'histoire européenne
Le Ministere de la Culture et des Cultes
Athorités publiques ou privées responsables pour le site ou la propriété (management délégué)
Union des Compositeurs et des Musicologues de Roumanie
Musée National "Georges Enesco"
Adresse postale
Calea Victoriei nr.141
Coordonnées géographiques de la propriété culturelle, du monument, du site naturel ou urbain, ou du site ayant joué un rôle important pour l'histoire européenne
Lat.N=44°26'56"; Long.E=26°05'24"; L-35-125-C-a

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Raisons du listage
Le Palais des Cantacuzins a été bäti d'apres les plans de l'architecte I. Berindei (architecte roumain, qui a été parmis les premiers roumains a faire leurs études a l'Ecole de Beaux-Arts), ayant comme modele -"l'hötel particulier"- les résidences parisiennes de la noblesse. Du point de vue urbanistique, l'architecte avait pris en considération l'intention de la municipalité de redessiner la ville dans l'esprit européen de la "ville jardin". Il est considéré comme etre le premier en ligne du programme d'architecture mentionné. L'emplacement de cet édifice le long de la Voie de la Victoire, l'une des plus anciennes arteres urbaines de la ville, devenue symbolique pour l'histoire de l'architecture roumaine et européenne, grâce a son aspect de boulevard parisien, ce qui accentue sa qualité de monument de premier rang.
La peinture intérieure du plafond du salon de musique, est réalisée par le peintre G.D.Mirea, qui, a cet égard avait entrepris un voyage d'information a Paris.
L'Edifice a une valeur de notoriété universelle grâce a sa valeur mémorielle, en tant que résidence du grand artiste Georges Enesco, personnalité complexe de la musique, compositeur, violoniste, pianiste, chef d'orchestre et pédagogue, l'un des plus importants musiciens du XIXeme siecle et de la premiere moitié du XXeme siecle.
Siege du Musée National Georges Enesco, de l'Union des Compositeurs et des Musicologues de Roumanie, on y développe un programme de concerts et culturel de haut niveau, européen et international. On y reçoit en permanence des touristes – il est mentionné dans les guides touristiques - en tant que musée. Les évenements culturels qu'on y organise dans le salon des réceptions constituent une attraction pour le public avisé, de Roumanie et de l'étranger.
Le bätiment abrite lui aussi des évenements culturels, organisés a l'occasion du Festival et du Concours International Georges Enesco.
Description de la propriété culturelle, du monument, du site naturel ou urbain, ou du site ayant joué un rôle important pour l'histoire européenne
Le Palais des Cantacuzins, situé sur le dernier tronçon de la Voie de la Victoire, l'une des plus longues et importantes rues centrales bucarestoises, a été construit d'apres le modele des résidences nobiliaires parisiennes (hötel particulier de ville ), bätiments placés au milieu du terrain, autour desquels on a aménagé des jardins. Le Palais a été construit pres d'autres résidences de la haute société de Bucarest, situées le long de la Voie de la Victoire, pres du Palais Royal.
L'ensemble est pourvu de deux voies d'acces, l'une principale, de la Voie de la Victoire et une autre, secondaire de la rue gen.Gh.Manu, (ancienne lt.Lemnea no.16). Le point d'intérët le plus important de l'enceinte est le corps principal du palais, situé au centre de la parcelle, ainsi qu'un corps secondaire, utilisé aussi par les propriétaires du palais, une sorte de petit pavillon pour les invités, situé derriere le palais (V), deux constructions annexes , placées a peu pres symétriquement par rapport a l'entrée secondaire dans l'enceinte (S) et le parc. La surface du terrain est assez grande pour le centre ville bucarestois, voire 6638m2, d'apres l'actuel plan de cadastre. Le corps principal – Le Palais. A l'heure actuelle, le bätiment abrite deux institutions publiques: le Siege de l'Union des Compositeurs et des Musicologues et le Musée de la Musique qui qui se partagent l'ancien espace résidentiel.
L'aspect résidentiel nobiliaire a été développé selon certains prototypes classiques, spécifiques pour la fin duXIXeme siecle et le début du XXeme siecle. L'ordre des pieces, regroupées autour de deux axes, une principale et une secondaire, avec une certaine symétrie des espaces principaux, par rapport a l'axe majeur.
Le rez-de-chaussée (hochparterul), situé a env. 3,00m au dessus du niveau de la cour, abrite la zone représentative d'accueil, avec les pieces principales, la bibliotheque, les salons, la salle a manger, le petit amphithéätre, pour réceptions et auditions, concentrées le long d'un hall central faisant la liaison entre l'entrée principale et la sortie vers la terrasse. Les espaces sont décorés et peints avec raffinement. A présent, ils sont utilisés pour y organiser des réceptions, des auditions, musée, bureaux de la direction etc.
Le rez-de-chaussée du bätiment est représentatif pour les institutions qui y résident. Du hall principal on pénetre dans l'amphitéätre et la salle du conseil; sur la droite du hall central, composé de cinq pieces, se trouve le cöté musée, avec ses quelques pieces annexes pour les bureaux;
Toutes les pieces orientées vers la façade principale, organisées comme bureaux, ont acces au premier étage, par l'escalier principal du cöté latéral du bätiment;
Toutes les pieces du deuxieme étage sont destinés aux bureaux;
Le sous-sol I, en fait, un rez-de-chausée- semi-enterré, s'étend sous tout le rez-de-chaussée et comprend le secteur technique.
Le sous-sol II est partiel et il abrite des espaces techniques (la centrale etc) ainsi que des espaces de stockage.
Deuxieme Etage I, plus sobre que le rez-de-chaussée en matiere de décoration.
Le rez-de-chaussée impressionne par la richesse des ornements, réalisés avec une technique et des matériaux des plus précieux. L'entrée est marquée par un véranda sur une structure métallique couverte de verre, disposée en console.
Sur l'axe de l'entrée il y a d'abord un premier hall, d'ou¸ par deux escaliers balancés, on peut accéder aux autres étages. Dans l'ancien salon de musique on trouve des ornements en plätre, des vitres colorées, des fonds en mosaiques dorés, stucage en marbre Des peintures ont été réalisées sur les murs et le plafond) par le peintre G. D. Mirea, représentant Apollo et ses muses.
A l'étage, une partie réservée contient deux pieces importantes: la bibliotheque et la salle de réunions. La bibliotheque, avec sa sous-pente soutenue par des colonnes en stucage en marbre et son escalier en bois, a comme décoration principale les les murs recouverts de lambris en bois et le plafond peint par Vermont. La salle de réunions est entourée par des boiseries en chëne sculptés; les murs et le plafond sont décorés avec des effigies, des aigles, des guirlandes exécutées en plätre et colorées avec des teintes foncées.
La peinture. Nicolae Vermont est l'auteur de six médaillons, dont trois sont signés et datés 1907. Deux d'entre eux, un berger avec ses moutons et une paysanne a la seille sont inspirés directement par l'oeuvre de Nicolae Grigorescu. Un sujet inédit c'est la composition qui représente plusieurs jeunes gens qui font la fëte en plein air, animés par une orchestre de ménétriers.
La scene historique de grandes dimensions qui est retracée sur le mur de la bibliotheque, le proces de Stroe Leurdeanu, exécutée en 1909, fait preuve de sa maitrise en matiere de composition monumentale, de grande qualité artistique, devenue l'une de ses principaux ouvrages.
La partie centrale du plafond de la salle a manger est signé par Costin Petrescu. La composition allégorique au centre, dans un mouvement élancé, avec deux personnages féminins et plusieurs anges est une réussite dans le domaine de la décoration. Sur la partie droite, un faune qui porte sur la tëte une couronne de vigne un gobelet a la main et sur la partie gauche une fée avec une torche a la main.
Les peintures du plafond du salon de musique sont l'oeuvre de G.D.Mirea. En vue de leur exécution, l'artiste a entrepris un voyage d'études a Paris.
Autres deux plafonds dans la voüte des pieces situées a l'entrée dans le bätiment, qui servaient de vestibule, appartiennent, parait-il, aussi a G.D.Mirea.
Chacun d'entre eux représente une scene allégorique dans le style poétique bien connu du peintre.
La sculpture.Emil W.Becker. L'entrée principale du bätiment attire surtout l'attention par la générosité, la somptuosité de la décoration sculpturale. La façade est décorée, au dessus de la porte d'entrée, d'un fronton circulaire, ayant au centre l'arme princiere des Cantacuzins, évocation du titre de noblesse reçu une fois par les ancëtre du propriétaire, de la part de l'empereur autrichien. Dans la composition de la scene, cinq chérubins sont représentés; avec des mouvements enjoués, le groupe dans son ensemble étant animé par un pathétique romantique. Pres des fenëtres du grenier, un personnage féminin, les ailes déployées, la Musique, vétue d'une robe en voile joue de la lyre. A ses pieds, a gauche et a droite, deux chérubins dansent au rythme de la musique.
Sur le coté gauche de la façade, au centre, des bas-reliefs identiques, représentant une femme aux formes généreuses, entourée par deux couples de chérubins qui dansent.
Le fond dans sa composition est couvert de fleurs et de pousses. D'autres éléments décoratifs en série qu'on peut voir a l'extérieur sont un médaillon avec un chérubin ayant attaché un trophée avec des instruments de musique. Le cartouche avec un masque représentant un vieillard a riche chevelure ornée de fleurs, la barbe désordonnée et regardant tout droit devant lui.
Histoire de la propriété culturelle, du monument, du site naturel ou urbain, ou du site ayant joué un rôle important pour l'histoire européenne
Dans le plan cadastral de la ville de Bucarest, de 1911, Iorgu (Gogu) Cantacuzene, détenait un terrain de grandes dimensions, situé entre rue Verde (actuellement Gh. Manu), La Voie de la Victoire et rue Frumoasa.
Gheorghe Grigore Cantacuzene-"Le Nabab", homme politique, ancien ministre des finances, Chef du Parti Conservateur, Président du Sénat, Premier Ministre, au moment du passage du XIX au XX eme siecle, qui a vécu entre 1837-1913, possédait une énorme fortune, obtenue par héritage et par mariage, mais aussi par une bonne administration, et il a fait construire pour lui et sa famille toute une série de palais princiers.
On retrouve le bâtiment principal du palais dans le plan de 1902, mais pas encore les annexes qui donnent sur la rue Verde. Le petit bâtiment ou Georges Enesco va habiter plus tard, ne s'y retrouve pas, car construit plus tard.
En 1913, "le Nabab" meurt, en laissant le Palais de la Voie de la Victoire en héritage a son fils aîné, Mihail (1864-1928), qui, a son tour, était un homme politique reconnu. Il est fort possible que, tout de suite apres la mort de son pere, Mihai Gh. Cantacuzene a fait bâtir le petit pavillon derriere le palais, ainsi que les annexes absolument nécessaires pour une résidence noble (garage, étables etc.) Monument d'architecture, le Palais Cantacuzene, a été construit aux environs de 1902. Jusqu'en 1937, lorsqu'elle est devenue la demeure du grand musicien, le bâtiment a eu plusieurs destinations.
Vers les années 1940, le Palais des Cantacuzene est devenu le siege du Conseil des Ministres.
En 1967, Maria Cantacuzene-Enesco (née Rosetti-Teþcani), veuve de Georges Enesco, fait don de l'immeuble en faveur de l'Etat. On y expose les manuscrits des compositions de Georges Enesco, ses violons et ses pianos, les meubles originaux, la bibliotheque avec des ouvrages sur la musique, des tableaux, gravures, objets d'art décoratif, lettres, programmes concerts, chroniques, photos, documents concernant l'activité du musicien.
A partir de 1980, le bâtiment abrite le Musée de la Musique Roumaine.
Le Musée National "George Enescu",
Fondé en1956; y sont présentés les manuscrits des compositions de Georges Enesco, ses violons, ses pianos, les meubles originaux, la bibliotheque avec des partitions de sa musique, des tableaux, gravures, objets d'art décoratif, lettres, programmes concerts, chroniques, photos, documents concernant l'activité du musicien.
Systeme de protection pour la propriété culturelle, le monument, le site naturel ou urbain, ou le site ayant joué un rôle important pour l'histoire européenne
Monument historique d'importance nationale et universelle, selon la Liste des Monuments Historiques 2004, code B-II-m-A-19869. Protégé aussi de par la Loi no.5/2000, Loi concernant l'aprobation du Plan d'Aménagement du Territoire National-PATN, Section III, Zones protégées, Valeurs du patrimoine culturel d'intérët national, (monuments historiques d'importance nationale, exceptionnelle).
Statut de la conservation du site/de l'objet
Le monument est en bon état de conservation. Il a été restauré entre 1990-199 avec l'aide des fonds de l'Union des Compositeurs et des Musicologues de Roumanie.
Politique sur la promotion et l'accroissement de l'appréciation du site/de la propriété (details sur les actions déja enterprises et necessaries)
L'iimmeuble abrite l'Union des Compositeurs et des Musicologues de Roumanie, le Musée et le Mémorial de Georges Enesco, ouvert au public.
Echanges culturels et réseaux
Depuis 1956, le monument abrite le Musée National "Georges Enesco", personnalité notoire de la musique classique nationale et universelle. Le musée est ouvert pour ëtre visité et on y expose des documents et des objets personnels, qui aident a mieux connaitre la personnalité de l'artiste.
On peut y voir, a cöté du violon d'Enescu reçu lors de son quatrieme anniversaire, des partitions de ses oeuvres, diplömes et médailles qu'on lui avait conférées, parmis lesquelles la Légion d'Honneur française.
Le nom du musicien est devenu aussi le nom d'un important festival et concours international de musique classique, qui se déroule dans cet édifice de culture.
Héritage et actions créatrices
Le Musée accueille des évenements culturels divers, liés au domaine de la musique, lancement de livres, conférences, évenements mondains ou auditions
Activités entreprises/planifiées pour augmenter le profil et le caractere representative du site
Lancements de livres, conférences, évenements mondains ou auditions etc.
Cantacuzino Palace
Wallachia, Bucharest Municipality
Name of the cultural property, monument, natural or urban site, or site that has played a key role in European history.
Cantacuzino Palace
"George Enescu" National Museum
Owner of the cultural property, monument, natural or urban site, or site that has played a key role in European history
Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs
Public or private authorities responsible for the site or property (delegated management)
Composers and Musicologists Union of Romania
"George Enescu" National Museum
Postal address
Calea Victoriei nr.141
Geographic coordinates of the cultural property, monument, natural or urban site, or site that has played a key role in European history
Lat.N=44°26'56"; Long.E=26°05'24"; L-35-125-C-a

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Reasons for listing
Cantacuzino Palace was built on the plans of the architect I. Berindei (a Romanian architect who was among the first Romanians who studied at Ecole de Beaux-Arts), its model being -"l'hotel particulier"- the Parisian nobility residences. From the urban point of view, the architect took into account the intention of the chieftown administrators of reformulating the town according to the European spirit of a "garden town". It is taken for the most important within the architecture program above. The location of the establishment along Calea Victoriei, one of the oldest avenues of the town, which became a symbol of the Romanian and European architecture history due to its feature of a Parisian avenue, increases its quality of a first-rank monument.
The inside painting of the geiling in the music hall was made by the painter G.D.Mirea; for this painting, the artist travelled to Paris, for studies.
The establishment value is of universal notoriety due to its memorial value as a residence of the great artist George Enescu, a complex personality of music, a composer, violinist, pianist, conductor and teacher, one of the most prominent musicians at the end of the XIX-th century and during the first half of the XX-th century.
Headquarter of George Enescu National Museum, of the Composers and Musicologists Union of Romania, it promotes concerts and cultural activity at European and international level. It is permanently visited both by tourists – it is stipulated in touristic guides – and by people wishing to pay a visit to the museum. The permanent cultural manifestations attract specialized audience both from Romania and from abroad.
The building is also the headquarter of cultural manifestations during George Enescu International Festival and Competition.
Description of the cultural property, monument, natural or urban site, or site that has played a key role in European history
Cantacuzino Palace, placed on the last part of Calea Victoriei, one of the longest and most important central streets of Bucharest, was created according to the model of the Parisian nobility residences (hotel particulier de ville ) buildings placed in the middle of the land lot, surrounded by. The palace was built in the neighbourhood of other residences owned by Bucharest high-life, along Calea Victoriei, close to the Royal Palace.
The assembly has two access-ways, a main one from Calea Victoriei and a secondary one from gen.Gh.Manu street, former 16, lt.Lemnea street. The major point of interest is the main building of the palace, placed in the middle of the lot, as well as a secondary building, also used by the palcae owners, a kind of small pavilion at the back of the palace (V), two dependencies almost symmetrical as to the secondary entrance (S) and the park. The lot surface is large for a central area in Bucharest, 6,638 sq.m, according to the present cadastral plan. Main building -the Palace. At present, two institutions are operating in the building: the headquarter of the Composers and Musicologists Union of Romania and the Music Museum, which jointly use the old residential space.
The nobility residence part developed according to classical prototypes, specific to the end of the XIX-th century and the beginning of the XX-th century. Rooms are grouped round two axes, a major one, a secondary one, the main spaces plan being almost symmetrical as to the major ax.
The ground-floor (high ground-floor), placed at about 3.00 m up the yard quota level, consists of the representative reception rooms, the library, halls, dining-room, the small lecture room, for receptions and auditions, placed on the ax along a central hall which connects the main entrance to the terrace exit. Spaces are decorated and painted in refinement. Today, these spaces are used for receptions, auditions, museum halls, management office-rooms etc.
The building ground-floor is the representative space of the present institutions. From the main hall, one may enter the lecture room and the council hall; on the right of the central hall, covering the surface of five rooms, there is the place dedicated to museum exhibitions, with several rooms dedicated to office activities;
On the first floor, by means of the main stair on the building side, one may reach all the rooms giviving on the main front side, also organized for office activities;
On the second floor, all the rooms have been organized for office activities;
Basement I, in fact a ground-floor/demi-basement, covers the surface of the whole groun-floor and here are the technical spaces.
Basement II este partial and consists both of technical spaces (the heating system etc.) and warehouses.
The first floor is less decorated than the ground-floor.
The ground-floor impresses by the richness of the ornaments made by means of a special technique and of some of the most precious materials. The entrance is marked by a console-structured glass and metal porch.
Along the building ax, there are a first hall from which, by two small, balanced stairs, we may reach the other floors. In the former music hall, there are plaster ornaments, coloured stained-glass windows, golden mosaic back-grounds, plastered marble on the walls and a ceiling painted by the painter G. D. Mirea, showing Apollo and his muses.
On this floor, the reserved part covers two more important halls: the library and the meetings hall. The library, with a subslope supported by plastered-marble columns with a wood stair, is featured by a main decoration consisting of wood in-lays walls and the ceiling painted by Vermont. The meetings hall is surrounded by sculptured oak panels; the walls and the ceiling are decorated by effigies, eagles, garlands made od plaster rend colored in dark shades.
Painting. Nicolae Vermont painted six medallions, three of them signed and dated 1907. Two of them, a shepherd with sheep and a country girl with a wooden pail were directly inspired by the works of Nicolae Grigorescu, a new subject being the painting showing several young people during a pick-nick, enjoying themselves with a fiddler band. The large size historic scene on the library wall, the trial of Stroe Leurdeanu, painted in 1909, prooves the special talent of the painter for the monumental compositions, this being one of his reference works.
The central compartment of the dining-room ceiling is signed by Costin Petrescu. The allegory in the centre, featured by movement, shows two women and several angels – this being a success of the decorative genius. In the compartment on the right, an old Satyr bearing a vine crown raises a goblet, and in the one on the left, a goddess has a torch in her hand.
The painting on the ceiling of the music hall is also the work of the painter G.D.Mirea. To paint it, the artist travelled to Paris, for studies.
Other two vault-shaped ceilings of the rooms at the building entrance, which used to be vestibules, were also painted by G.D.Mirea.
Each of them shows an allegory in the well-known poetic style of the painter.
Sculpture. Emil W.Becker. The main entrance of the building especially draws the attention by its generous and somptuous sculptural decoration. Above the entrance door, the front side is decorated by a circular fronton having in the centre the prince-symbol of Cantacuzino family, evoking the noble title their forefathers had been granted by the Austrian emperor. In the scene structure, there are shown five putti in vivid movement, the whole group being touched by a romantic enthusiasm. By the windows of the attic, there is a woman with open wings, the Music, dressed in veil and playing a lyre. At her feet, on the right and on the left, two putti are dancing.
On the left side of the front side, in the centre, there are placed, identical bas-reliefs showing a fat woman surrounded by two dancing pairs of putti.
The composition field is covered by flowers and stems. Outside series decorating elements form a medallion with putti, and a music instruments trophy is hanging of. The box with a mask of an old man, whose thick hair is covered by flowers, his bear is dishevelled; he looks ahead.
History of the cultural property, monument, natural or urban site, or site that has played a key role in European history
On Bucharest cadastral plan of 1911, Iorgu (Gogu) Cantacuzino was wholly holding a large lot limited by Verde street (the present Gh. Manu street), Calea Victoriei and Frumoasa street.
Gheorghe Grigore Cantacuzino-"The Nabob", a politician, former minister of finance, Head of the Conservative Party, President of the Senate, Prime Minister, at the end of the XIX-th century and the beginning of the XX-th century, lived between the years 1837-1913, was holding a fabulous fortune, obtained both by inheritance and by marriage, as well as by a good administration policy, building for himself and for his family a whole series of nobiliary palaces.
The main building of the palace was registered with the plan during 1902, but the dependencies with exit into Verde street were not. The small building where George Enescu would live was not registered for it was built later on.
In 1913, "The Nabob" died and left the Palace on Calea Victoriei to his eldest son, Mihail (1864-1928), he himself a well-known politician.
It is possible that, immediately after his father death, Mihai Gh.Cantacuzino started to build the small pavilion, at the back of the palace, as well as the dependencies absolutely necessary to a nobiliary residence (garage, stables etc.) An architecture monument, the Cantacuzino Palace was built round the year 1902. Till 1937, when it became the residence of the great musician, the building had diverse destinations.
Round the year 1940, the Cantacuzino Palace became the Ministers Council Presidency Headquarter.
In 1967, Maria Cantacuzino-Enescu (born Rosetti-Teþcani), the widow of George Enescu, donated the real estate to the state. There are exhibited the manuscripts of George Enescu's compositions, his violins and pianos, the original furniture, the music library, paintings, engravings, decorative art objects, letters, programs, chronicles, photos, documents related to the activity of the musician.
Starting with the year 1980, the building has become headquarter of the Romanian Music Museum.
"George Enescu" National Museum
set up in 1956; "there are exhibited the manuscripts of George Enescu's compositions, his violins and pianos, the original furniture, the music library, paintings, engravings, decorative art objects, letters, programs, chronicles, photos, documents related to the activity of the musician.
System of protection of the cultural property, monument, natural or urban site, or site that has played a key role in European history, if appropriate
A historic monument of national and universal value, according to the List of Historic Monuments 2004, code B-II-m-A-19869.
Also protected by Law no. 5/2000, concerning the approval of the Plan on the National Territory Structuring -PATN, Section III, Protected zones, Values of the cultural patrimony of national interest (historic monuments of national, exceptional value).
State of preservation of the site/object
The monument has a good preservation status. It was restored during the years 1990-1991 by means of the funds of the Composers and Musicologists Union of Romania
Policy to promote and enhance the appreciation of the site/property (detail actions already performed and required)
The real estate is the headquarter of the Composers and Musicologists Union of Romania, of George Enescu Museum and Memorial house, being open for the public for visits.
Cultural exchanges and networking
Since 1956, the building has been the headquarter of "George Enescu" National Museum, a notorious personality of the national and universal classical music. The museum is opened to the public and it exhibits personal documents and objects which make known the artist's personality.
Here it is to be found, besides the violin Enescu had received as a present when aged 4, scores of his works, diplomas and medals conferred to him, among which the French Honour Legion order.
The name of the musician has also been given to an international festival and competition of classical music, which is organized in this building, too.
Heritage and creative activities
The museum is the host of diverse cultural events related to the world of music, such as books presentations, conferences, high-life events or auditions.
Activities taken/planned to heighten the profile and representative ness of the site
Books presentations, conferences, high-life events or auditions etc.
Links Cantacuzino Palace
True Romania - Cantacuzino Palace
Palatul Cantacuzino
Municipiul Bucuresti
Numele monumentului
Palatul Cantacuzino
Muzeul National"George Enescu"
Autoritati publice sau private responsabile pentru monument, administratori
Adresa postala
Calea Victoriei nr.141
Coordonate geografice
Lat.N=44°26'56"; Long.E=26°05'24"; L-35-125-C-a

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Motive pentru includerea în lista
Amplasarea edificiului de-a lungul Caii Victoriei, una dintre cele mai vechi artere urbane ale orasului, cu caracter eminamente rezidential, devenita simbolica pentru istoria arhitecturii românesti si europene îi sporesc calitatea de monument de talie universala. Imobilul prezinta o valoare arhitecturala foarte mare, de notorietate în cadrul arhitecturii rezidentiale nobiliare de la sfârsitul secolului al XIX lea, socotit cap de serie al acestui program arhitectural din Bucuresti. Palatul Cantacuzino a fost ridicat dupa planurile arhitectului I. Berindei, dupa modelul resedintelor nobiliare pariziene (hotel de ville), realizat dupa moda epocii în stil academic promovat de Ecole des Beaux-Arts de la Paris. De asemenea, imobilul are o valoare de notorietate universala datorita valorii memoriale pe care o detine, ca resedinta a marelui artist George Enescu, personalitate complexa a muzicii, compozitor, violonist, pianist, dirijor si pedagog, unul dintre cei mai proeminenti muzicieni de la sfârsitul secolului al XIX-lea si din prima jumatate a secolului al XX-lea.
Descrierea monumentului si rolul jucat in istoria Europei
Palatul Cantacuzino, amplasat pe ultimul tronson al Caii Victoriei, una din cele mai lungi si mai importante strazi centrale bucurestene, a fost creat dupa modelul resedintelor nobiliare pariziene (hotel de ville) cladiri asezate în mijlocul lotului de teren, în jurul careia s-au amenajat gradini. Palatul s-a construit în vecinatatea altor resedinte ale protipendadei bucurestene, dispuse de-a lungul Caii Victoriei, aproape de Palatul Regal. Ansamblul are doua accese, unul principal din Calea Victoriei si un acces secundar din strada gen. Gh. Manu, fosta lt. Lemnea nr.16. Incinta are ca punct de interes major corpul principal al palatului, amplasat în centrul parcelei, precum si un corp secundar, folosit tot de proprietarii palatului, un fel de mic pavilion de oaspeti, amplasat în spatele palatului(V), doua atenanse, pozitionate relativ simetric ca asezare, fata de intrarea secundara în incinta (S)si parcul. Suprafata parcelei este mare, pentru zona centrala bucuresteana, de 6638mp, conf. planului cadastral actual.
Corpul principal-Palatul
In acest moment în cladire functioneaza doua institutii publice: Sediul Uniunii Compozitorilor si Muzicologilor si Muzeul Muzicii, care îsi împart vechiul spatiu rezidential.
Partiul de rezidenta nobiliara s-a dezvoltat conform unor prototipuri clasicizante, specifice sfârsitului secolului XIX, început de XX., desfasurarea încaperilor grupându-se în jurul a doua axe, una majora, una secundara, cu o relativa simetrie a spatiilor principale, în plan fata de axul major.
Subsolul I, de fapt un parter-demisol, se întinde sub întreg parterul si cuprinde spatii tehnice.
La demisol, spatiile existente sunt amenajate pentru birouri si casierie, depozite pentru biblioteca, vestiare pentru personalul de întretinere, iar în partea dreapta si cu o legatura pe verticala cu spatiile de birouri ale muzeului, s-a amenajat partea de depozitare muzeistica.
Tot în acest nivel se gaseste si centrala termica cu anexele ei, hidrofor si atelier mecanic.
Subsolul II este partial si cuprinde atât spatii tehnice (centrala, etc.) cât si spatii de depozitare.
Parterul (hochparterul), amplasat la cca. 3,00 m deasupra cotei nivelului curtii, cuprinde zona reprezentativa de primire cu principalele piese, biblioteca, saloane, sufrageria, mica aula, pentru receptii si auditii, axate de-a lungul unui hol central care face legatura între intrarea principala si iesirea pe terasa. Spatiile sunt rafinat decorate si pictate. Azi aceste spatii sunt folosite ca spatii de receptie, auditii, sali muzeale, birouri conducere, etc.
Parterul cladirii, adaposteste spatiul reprezentativ al actualelor institutii. Din holul central prin secretiat se accede la biroul presedintelui Uniunii Compozitorilor si Muzicologice. Tot din hol si în directa legatura cu aceasta se intra în camera vicepresedintilor si a secretarilor, iar cu acces separat se afla aula si sala de consiliu; în partea dreapta a holului central, dezvoltat pe suprafata a cinci încaperi, se afla partea de expunere muzeistica, cu câteva încaperi, anexe pentru birouri.
La etajul I, au acces pe scara principala din laterala cladirii, toate încaperile orientate spre fatada principala, ce sunt organizate ca birouri;
Pe partea opusa holului se organizeaza biroul de copiat acte muzicale si biblioteca.
La etajul al doilea, toate camerele existente au capatat functiunea de birouri.
Etajul I, este mai retinut ca decoratie, decât parterul.
Parterul impresioneaza prin bogatia ornamenticii realizata cu o tehnica si cu materiale din cele mai pretioase. Intrarea este marcata de o marchiza, din structura metalica închisa cu sticla, dispusa în consola.
In axul intrarii avem mai întâi un prim hol, din care prin doua scari mici în colimaçon se poate accede la celelalte nivele. Din acest hol, câteva trepte din marmura conduc spre nivelul parterului propriu-zis, format dintr-un hol spatios din care se accede spre camere: cele din dreapta ocupate de Muzeul Enescu, si cele din stânga Uniunii Compozitorilor. Partea rezervata muzeului cuprinde încaperi mari, bogat decorate: peretii îmbracati în stuco-marmura, tavane cu profile si ornamente sculptate cu decoratii florale, executate în ipsos si bronz.
In fostul salon de muzica sunt prezente ormamente în ipsos, vitrouri colorate, fonduri mozaicate aurite, stuco-marmura pe pereti si un plafon pictat de pictorul G. D. Mirea înfatisându-i pe Apollo si muzele sale.
Partea rezervata, la acest nivel, Uniunii compozitorilor cuprinde doua sali mai importante: biblioteca si sala de sedinte. Biblioteca, cu o subpanta sustinuta pe coloane de stucomarmura cu o scara de lemn, are ca principala decoratie peretii cu lambriuri de lemn si un tavan pictat de Vermont. Sala de sedinte este înconjurata de panouri de lemn de stejar sculptat; peretii si tavanul sunt decoarate cu efigii, vulturi, ghirlande, executate în ipsos si colorate în tonuri închise.
Pictura. Nicolae Vermont realizeaza sase medalioane, dintre care trei semnate si datate1907. Doua dintre ele, cioban cu oile si tarancuta cu cofa sunt inspirate direct din opera lui Nicolae Grigorescu. Un subiect inedit este compozitia înfatisând mai multi tineri care petrec în iarba verde, înveseliti de un taraf de lautari.
Scena istorica de mari dimensiuni de pe peretele bibliotecii, "Judecata lui Stroe Leurdeanu", executata în 1909, ne prezinta maiestria sa într-o compozitie monumentala, cu mari calitati artistice, devenita una din principalele sale lucrari de referinta.
Compartimentul central al plafonului sufrageriei este semnat Costin Petrescu. Compozitia alegorica de la centru, într-o miscare avântata, cu doua personaje feminine si mai multi îngeri, este o reusita a geniului decorativ. In compartimentul din dreapta, un silen purtând pe cap o cununa de vita-de-vie închina un pocal, iar în cel din stânga, o fea tine în mâna o torta.
Pictura plafonului din salonul de muzica, sunt operele lui G. D. Mirea. Pentru executarea lor, artistul a facut o calatorie de studii la Paris.
Fiecare dintre ele înfatiseaza câte o scena alegorica, în cunoscutul stil poetic al pictorului.
Sculptura. Autor Emil W.Becker.
Intrarea principala a cladirii atrage în mod deosebit atentia, prin generozitatea somptuozitatea decoratiei sculpturale. Fatada este decorata deasupra usii de intrare cu un fronton circular, în cadrul caruia se afla la centru stema princiara a Cantacuzinilor, evocând rangul nobiliar primit odinioara de stramosii proprietarului din partea împaratului austriac; Muzica , este îmbracata într-o rochie de voal cântând la o lira. La picioarele ei în stânga si în dreapta doi putti danseaza dupa muzica.
Câmpul compozitiei este acoperit de flori si lujeri. Dintre elementele decorative seriale aflate la exterior mai sunt un medalion cu un putti de care atârna un trofeu cu instrumente muzicale, cartusul cu un mascheron înfatisând un batrân cu parul bogat împodobit de flori, cu barba vulvoi si privind înainte.
Istoricul proprietatii culturale, al monumentului, obiectivului natural sau urban, ori al sitului care a jucat un rol important în istoria Europei
Palatul s-a ridicat pe locul fostelor case ale "Mamalei sau Paduroaiei Cantacuzino" si vechii case a Nababului. (Gheorghe Crutzescu-Podul Mogosoaiei-Ed. Meridiane Bucuresti, 1987, pag 206)
Locul actual de pe Calea Victoriei, i-a revenit de la mama sa Luxita Kretulescu, casatorita cu Marele Vornic Grigore Cantacuzino, precum si prin comasarea de catre tatal sau a unor loturi adiacente lotului familiei Kretulescu.
In planul cadastral al Bucurestiului, din 1911, Iorgu (Gogu) Cantacuzino, detinea în întregime un lot de mari dimensiuni, cuprins între strada Verde (actuala Gh. Manu), Calea Victoriei si strada Frumoasa. Cladirea principala a palatului figureaza în plan, atenansele cu iesire în strada Verde si mica cladire în care va locui George Enescu, nu figureaza, deci ele s-au ridicat mai târziu.
In 1913, "Nababul" moare lasând Palatul din Calea Victoriei mostenire fiului sau cel mare, Mihail (1864-1928), la rândul sau om politic cunoscut. Este posibil, ca imediat dupa moartea tatalui sau, Mihai Gh. Cantacuzino sa înceapa sa ridice pavilionul cel mic, din spatele palatului, precum si atenansele absolut necesare unei resedinte nobiliare (garaj, grajduri, etc.) Monument arhitectonic, Palatul Cantacuzino, a fost construit în jurul anului 1902. Pâna în 1937, când a devenit locuinta marelui muzician, cladirea a avut diverse destinatii.
Presedintia Consiliului de Ministrii a avut ca sediu Palatul Cantacuzino pâna în jurul anilor 1940. (Ghidul istoric si artistic Bucuresti, Grigore Ionescu editat 1938)
In 1967, Maria Cantacuzino-Enescu (nascuta Rosetti-Tetcani), vaduva lui George Enescu, doneaza imobilul statului. Sunt expuse manuscrisele compozitiilor lui George Enescu, viorile si pianele sale, mobilierul original, biblioteca muzicala, tablouri, gravuri, obiecte de arta decorativa, scrisori, programe, cronici, fotografii, documente legate de activitatea muzicianului. Incepând din anul 1980, cladirea a adapostit Muzeul Muzicii Românesti.
Gheorghe Grigore Cantacuzino, om politic, fost ministru de finante, ªeful Partidului Conservator, Presedintele Senatului, Primul Ministru, la cumpana dintre secolele XIX-XX, a trait între anii 1837-1913. Casatorit cu Ecaterina Baleanu, detinea o avere fabuloasa, atât prin mostenire si casatorie, cât si prin buna administrare a averii, construind pentru sine si familia sa o serie întreaga de palate resedinte.
Sistemul de protectie al monumentului
Monument istoric de valoare nationala si universala, conform Listei Monumentelor Istorice 2004, cod B-II-m-A-19869.
Starea de conservare a sitului/obiectivului
Monumentul se afla în stare buna de conservare.
Accesul publicului
Imobilul adaposteste Muzeul Muzicii si casa memoriala George Enescu, fiind deschis publicului spre vizitare.
Schimburi culturale/internationale
Monumentul gazduieste din 1956 Muzeul National "George Enescu", personalitate notorie a muzicii clasice nationale si universale. Muzeul este deschis spre vizitare si expune documente si obiecte personale care fac cunoscuta personalitatea artistului.
Aici se afla, alaturi de vioara pe care Enescu a primit-o cadou la vârsta de 4 ani, partituri ale operelor sale, diplome si medalii ce i-au fost conferite, printre care si cea a Legiunii Franceze de Onoare.
Numele muzicianului este purtat si de un important festival si concurs international de muzica clasica, tinut la Bucuresti.
Activitati/evenimente culturale
Muzeul adaposteste evenimente culturale diverse, legate de lumea muzicii, de la lansari de carte, conferinte, evenimente mondene sau auditii.
Activitati care sunt prevazute în viitor
Lansari de carte, conferinte, evenimente mondene sau auditii etc.

Muzeul National"George Enescu"
Bucurestii noi si vechi - Palatul Cantacuzino

L'Athénée Roumain
Nom de la propriété culturelle, du monument, du site naturel ou urbain, ou du site ayant joué un rôle important pour l'histoire européenne
L'Athénée Roumain
Propriétaire de la propriété culturelle, du monument, du site naturel ou urbain, ou du site ayant joué un rôle important pour l'histoire européenne
Ministere de la Culture et des Cultes, administrateur La Philarmonique George Enescu
Athorités publiques ou privées responsables pour le site ou la propriété (management délégué)
La Philarmonique d'Etat George Enescu
Adresse postale
Bucarest, sector 1, str. Franklin nr. 1-3
Coordonnées géographiques de la propriété culturelle, du monument, du site naturel ou urbain, ou du site ayant joué un rôle important pour l'histoire européenne
Latitude nord 44°26'29"
Longitude est 26°05'55"

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Raisons du listage
Les clubs littéraires de la premiere moitié du XIXeme siecle avaient le nom d'Athenaeum, d'apres l'académie de Hadrian, créée a Rome en 135 avant JC. De la sorte, dans toute l'Europe commencent a se constituer, aupres des académies de Lyon, Marseille, Londres, des centres culturels, d'abord a caractere privé, qui ont été utilisés ensuite comme instruments pour la diffusion de la culture. Les modeles que les organisateurs de "L'Athénée Roumain" ont eu en vue étaient des établissements similaires de Turin, Madrid, Paris. Gräce a ce caractere populaire, l'Athénée roumain est entré dans l'esprit du public comme un lieu de création pour les savants, écrivains, artistes etc. C'est comme cela que C. Esarcu, V.A Ureche et N. Kretulescu ont fondé a Bucarest, en 1865, l'institution de l'Athénée Roumain, ayant comme but de "fournir a la population toutes les connaissances dont il a besoin ".
L'Athénée a été imaginé comme "un palais de la science et des arts ", ou le grand public avait acces, dans une ambiance fastueuse, aux bienfaits de la culture – expositions, concerts et conférences, bibliotheque pinacotheque et, plus tard, projections de films.
En 1886, sur la recommandation de Charles Garnier (l'auteur de l'Opéra de Paris) on a choisi l'architecte français Albert Galleron, pour élaborer le projet de la construction de l'Athénée, qui fut inauguré le 14 février 1888. Il devient le symbole de la capitale du Royaume Roumain.
Edifice représentatif pour la capitale du pays, il se trouve sur l'une des plus anciennes et des plus représentatives arteres, la Voie de la Victoire, juste en face du Palais Royal.
Monument classé dans le groupe de valeur A, groupe d'intérët national et universel. Conservé dans un tres bon état (restauraration-consolidation terminée en 2004)
L'édifice abrite périodiquement, le bien connu Festival et Concours International George Enescu.
C'est ici également le siege de la Philarmonique "G. Enescu" et c'est ici aussi que se sont tenus des concerts avec la participation de quelques uns des plus célebres chefs d'orchestre et interpretes du XXeme siecle: Erich Kleiber, Sergiu Celibidache, Ionel Perlea, Herbert von Karajan, Dinu Lipatti, Arthur Rubinstein, Pablo Casals, Yehudi Menuhin. A l'heure actuelle, l'édifice accueille en permanence des concours, des concerts, des expositions et des évenements musicaux. Objectif touristique et de culture mentionné dans tous les dépliants touristiques de la capitale.
Description de la propriété culturelle, du monument, du site naturel ou urbain, ou du site ayant joué un rôle important pour l'histoire européenne

Fiche d'identité du site.

  • Le terrain sur lequel se trouve l'Athénée Roumain est située sur le site historique de Bucarest, entre les rues N. Golescu (NE), Constantin Esarcu (NV), Place George Enescu (SV), rue Franklin (SE). Edifice représentatif pour la capitale du pays, il se situe sur l'une des plus (ancienne et importante artere, la Voie de la Victoire.
  • Le terrain comprend le bätiment initial de l'Athénée (1886-1889), son extension ultérieur (1893-1897) et le parc qui l'entoure.
  • Le corps principal contient la grande salle de concerts et conférences, située sur l'ancienne fondation qui avaient été prévue pour un cirque et un manege pour les chevaux de la Société équestre roumaine, dont la forme a influencé la planimétrie de la salle.
  • Construit dans le style néoclassique, avec beaucoup d'éléments de décoration spécifiques pour l'architecture française de la fin du siecle, le bätiment central a été réalisé plutöt dans un style eclectique.
  • La façade de l'édifice est un péristyle ayant une largeur de 48 m. Les 8 colonnes du péristyle ont une hauteur de 12 m, identiques en dimensions avec celles de l'Erechteion d'Athenes. Les dimensions des salles de concerts sont de 28,5 m de diametre et 16 m de hauteur. La hauteur totale du bätiment, jusqu'au sommet de la coupole est de 41 m.
  • La salle de concerts a comme caractéristiques: 28,50 m de diametre, 16 m de hauteur et une capacité d'env. 794 places, tandis que la hauteur totale du bätiment est de 41 m. La partie centrale du rez-de-chaussée est soutenue par 12 colonnes réalisées en plätre; du hall circulaire on arrive a la salle par 4 escaliers monumentaux en marbre de Carrara et toujours de ce hall part l'escalier d'honneur. Sur les murs de la salle, la fresque réalisée par le prof. Costin Petrescu, représente , en 25 épisodes, des moments importants de l'histoire des roumains. L'ouvrage, long de 75 m et large de 3 m, commencée en 1933 réalisé avec la technique "al fresco" sera inauguré le 26 mai 1938.
  • En 1935, a l'initiative de George Enescu, on organise une collecte de fonds pour la construction de l'orgue de concert; placée au fond de la scene.
  • Les portes en fer forgé qui ferment l'allée d'acces vers le bätiment, une partie de la clöture du jardin qui va jusque dans la Voie de la Victoire – ainsi que le portique néogrec sous le fronton en ordonnance ionique et la coupole (sur structure métallique) ont été considérés, a une certaine époque, comme embleme de Bucarest.
  • Dans le parc d'en face on peut voir la statue du poete de valeur universelle Mihail Eminescu, exécutée en bronze, par le sculpteur Gh. Anghel, en 1963.
Systeme de protection pour la propriété culturelle, le monument, le site naturel ou urbain, ou le site ayant joué un rôle important pour l'histoire européenne
L'architecte français Albert Galleron, dont le projet a été choisi par Constantin Esarcu, fondateur de la société L'Athénée Roumain
La construction apparait comme une nécessité pour le déroulement des multiples activités (culturelles, scientifiques, artistiques) de la Société L'Athénée Roumain, suite au développement d'un réseau "Atheneum" dans toute l'Europe.
En tant qu'institution, la Société de l'Athénée Roumain a été fondée en 1865 par Constantin Esarcu, V.A. Ureche et Nicolae Cretulescu.
La construction se réalise en deux étapes (1886-1889; 1893-1897) avec des fonds obtenus par souscription publique.
En 1889 (date de l'inauguration), on termine le corps principal, avec la grande salle de concerts et de conférences, érigée sur les anciennes fondations prévues pour un cirque et le manege des chevaux de la Société équestre roumaine.
Entre 1893-1897, avec des fonds reçus de la part du Ministere de l'Instruction Publique, le bätiment est complété avec une nouvelle aile qui donne sur la rue Posta Veche (actuellement rue N. Golescu) et on ajoute un escalier monumental au hall circulaire du rez-de-chaussée.
Apres la premiere guerre mondiale, le bâtiment devient le siege du Parlement, tandis que la Société l'Athénée Roumain devient le propriétaire de tout l'édifice.
Entre 1893-1897, avec des fonds reçus de la part du Ministere de l'Instruction Publique, le bätiment est complété qvec une nouvelle aile qui donne sur la rue Posta Veche (actuellement rue N. Golescu) et on ajoute un escalier monumental au hall circulaire du rez-de-chaussé. – L'architecte roumain Leonida Negrescu, auteur de l'extension, y compris l'escalier monumental du rez-de-chaussé
Entre 1924 - 1927 c'est l'aménagement des salles situées au sous-sol du bätiment.
Entre 1933-1937, le peintre Costin Petrescu travaille a la grande fresque de la salle de concerts, qui contienne des scenes historiques, en ajoutant un message patriotique a l'intérieur Belle Epoque, avec une décoration abondante, en contraste avec les façades austeres. L'ouvrage, long de 75 n et large de 3 m commencée en 1933 réalisé avec la technique "al fresco" sera inauguré le 26 mai 1938.
Dans le sens de conserver le meme intéret décoratif, c'est la préoccupation permanente de C. Exarhu et de Al. Odobescu, depuis 1888 déja, concernant la réalisation d'une fresque monumentale sur le mur circulaire de la salle et qui devrait évoquer les moments les plus importants de notre histoire nationale mais qu'elle donne aussi une imagine fidele du spécifique de l'äme roumaine.
A l'initiative de George Enescu, on organise une collecte de fonds pour la construction de l'orgue de concert (1935).
1962-1965 - on refait le systeme de ventilation et d'air conditionné de la salle de concerts (qui datait depuis 1888) et des salles en sous-sol.
1992-1998 - amples travaux de consolidation et de restauration: assechement du a la biodégradation, consolidations des corps latéraux, du portique, du systeme d'éclairage au centre par la lumiere du jour, des escaliers en spirale, refonte intégrale de la façade avec des matériaux homogenes, de la rénovation des finitions et des éléments décoratifs de la salle de concert, de l'élargissement de la scene, du reconditionnement des meubles, de la modernisation des installations (clime, réseau de distribution incendie, électrique).
La consolidation et la restauration ont duré, avec intermitence, jusqu'en 2004.
Status de la conservation du site/de l'objet
L'état de conservation est tres bon, gräce aux récents travaux de consolidation-restauration.
Il a été consolidé et restauré entre 2000-2004, par les architectes Raluca Nicoara & autres et ing. Dragos Badea.
Il a été ouvert de nouveau apres 2004, lors d'une nouvelle édition du "Festival International George Enescu".
Politique sur la promotion et l'accroissement de l'appréciation du site/de la propriété (details sur les actions déja enterprises et necessaries)
Activités musicales permanentes. Le public est attiré avec des abonnements annuels et des manifestations culturelles avec participations extraordinaires. Notoriété Le Festivalul International George Enescu attire un public intéressé de participer en permanence aux activités qu'on y organise. En fait, l'Athénée est la scene la plus importante du pays ou ont lieu les plus importants concerts philarmoniques du pays.
Echanges culturels et réseaux
Concerts et évenements promus par les partenaires Parmi les partenaires : Radio România Cultural, 7 Seri, TVR, Reader's Digest.
Héritage et actions créatrices
Ayant a sa disposition cette salle, la Société "L'Athenee Roumain" a diversifié son activité ; dans les salles de l'Athénée ont lieu des conférences, des concerts symphoniques de la Société Philarmonique Roumaine, fondée en 1868 par Eduard Wachmann, ainsi que des expositions de peinture (a partir de 1894, les salons officiels de belle-arte ont été organisés dqns cette salle).
D'ailleurs, l'Orchestre Philarmonique produira des concerts en permanence depuis le jour de l'inauguration de la salle, en jusqu'a présent, a l'exception de la période de consolidation-restauration, entre 2000—2004. Le Festival et Concours International George Enescu, va présenter de nombreux concerts et spectacles, avec la participation d'artistes Européens.
Sources et niveau de financement
Le niveau de financement, national - Financement a base d'un emprunt intermédié par le Ministere de la Culture et des Cultes, garanti par le Gouvernement roumain, accordé par la Banque de Développement du Conseil d'Europe (BDCE) de cinq millions d'euros. Cet argent a couvert le coüt des travaux de consolidation, restauration et modernisation de la grande salle de concert, de la coupole, ainsi que la remise en état de la couverture décorative en tole de zinc de la coupole.


Romanian Athenaeum
Name of the cultural property, monument, natural or urban site, or site that has played a key role in European history.
Romanian Athenaeum
Owner of the cultural property, monument, natural or urban site, or site that has played a key role in European history
Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs, administrator George Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra
Public or private authorities responsible for the site or property (delegated management)
Postal address
Bucharest, sector 1, str. Franklin nr. 1-3
Geographic coordinates of the cultural property, monument, natural or urban site, or site that has played a key role in European history
Latitude 44o26'29" North
Longitude 26o05'55" East

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Reasons for listing
The literary clubs during the first half of the XIX-th century were named Athenaeum, similarly to the academy of Hadrian established in Rome in 135 BC. Thus, cultural establishments appear all over Europe within the academies of Lyon, Marseille, London, first as private establishments, further on dedicated to spread culture. The models for the « Romanian Athenaeum » organizers were the similar establishments of Torino, Madrid, Paris. This popular feature of the Romanian Athenaeum has made the large audience used to a place of creation – scientists, writers, artists etc. Thus, C. Esarcu, V.A Ureche and N. Kretulescu set up in Bucharest, in the year 1865, the institution Romanian Athenaeum intended to « offer the people useful knowledge ».
The Athenaeum was imagined as "a palace of science and arts", where the largest audience had access, in a fastuous ambient, to culture profits – exhibitions, concerts and conferences, library, picture gallery and, later on, even motion-picture performances.
In 1886, on the recommendation of Charles Garnier (the author of the Opera house of Paris), the French architect Albert Galleron was selected to design the building of the Athenaeum, which was inaugurated on February 14, 1888. It has become the symbol of the Romanian Kingdom chief town.
A representative building of our country's chief town, it is placed on one of the oldest and most representative avenues, Calea Victoriei, across the Royal Palace.
A monument classified into A value group, a group of national and universal interest. Very good conservation status (restoration-strengthening finalized in 2004) The establishment is the periodic host of the well-known International Festival and Competition George Enescu.
Here is the headquarter of "G. Enescu" Philharmonic Orchestra and also here some of the greatest conductors and instrumentalists and vocalists of the XX-th century had concerts: Erich Kleiber, Sergiu Celibidache, Ionel Perlea, Herbert von Karajan, Dinu Lipatti, Arthur Rubinstein, Pablo Casals, Yehudi Menuhin. At present, the establishment is the permanent host of competitions, concerts, exhibitions and musical events.
A touristic and cultural objective mentioned by all the chief town presentation publications.
Description of the cultural property, monument, natural or urban site, or site that has played a key role in European history

Identity file of the site.

  • The lot the Romanian Athenaeum is placed on is located in the historic site of Bucharest between the streets N. Golescu (NE), Constantin Esarcu (NV), George Enescu Place (SV), Franklin (SE). A representative establishment for our country's chieftown, it is placed on one of the oldest and most representative avenues, Calea Victoriei.
  • The lot buildings are the initial Athenaeum (1886-1889), its subsequent extension (1893-1897) and the park it is place in.
  • The main building consists in the large hall for concerts and conferences placed on the former foundations initially intended to a circus and riding house of the Romanian equestrian society, a shape that influenced the hall planimetry.
  • Built in neoclassical style with many decoration elements typical for the end-of-century French architecture, the central plan building shows a rather eclectic style.
  • The front of the establishment is a 48 m long peristyle. The 8 columns of the peristyle are 12 m high, a size identical to the size of the Erechteion colums, in Athens. The size of the concerts halls are: 28.5 m – diametre and 16 m -height. The total height up to the dome top is 41 m.
  • Here are the features of the concert hall: 28.50 m diameter, 16 m height and a capacity round 794 seats, and the total height of the building is 41 m. The central part of the ground-floor is supported by 12 columns made in plaster work; from the rotunda, 4 monumental stairs of Carrara marble reach the hall and also from the rotunda goes up the honour stair. On the hall walls, there is a fresco made by prof. Costin Petrescu, a fresco representing, in 25 episodes, important moments of the Romanians' history. The work, sized 75 sq. m length and 3 m height, started in 1933 in « al fresco » technique, was inaugurated on May 26, 1938.
  • In 1935, on the initiative of George Enescu, funds were collected to install a concert organ, placed on the stage background.
  • The forged iron gates closing the alley of the establishment entrance – part of the fence surrounding the garden toward Calea Victoriei, as well as the neo-Greek porch under the Ionic fronton and dome (on metallic structure) used to be, for a certain period, the symbol of Bucharest.
  • In the park in front of the establishment there is the statue of the universal value poet Mihail Eminescu, a bronze statue made by the sculptor Gh. Anghel, 1963.
History of the cultural property, monument, natural or urban site, or site that has played a key role in European history
The French architect Albert Galleron whose project was selected by Constantin Esarcu, the founder of the Romanian Athenaeum society.
The building prooved to be necessary to carrying on multiple (cultular, scientific, artistic) activities of the Romanian Athenaeum society, following the development of an "Atheneum" netwrok all over Europe.
As an institution, the Romanian Athenaeum society was founded in 1865 by cãtre Constantin Esarcu, V.A. Ureche and Nicolae Cretulescu.
The building was erected by two stages (1886-1889; 1893-1897) by means of funds collected by public subscription.
In 1889 (the unauguration date), it was finalized the main building with the large hall for concerts and conferences, placed on the former foundations intended to a circus and riding hall of the Romanian equestrian society.
Between 1893-1897, by means of the funds assured by the Ministry of Public Education, the building was added a new wing in Poºta Veche street (the present N. Golescu street) and a monumental staur was added to the rotunda on the ground-floor.
Fter the first world war, the building was the headquarter of the country's Parliament and the Romanian Athenaeum society became the owner of the whole establishment. Between 1893-1897, by means of the funds assured by the Ministry of Public Education, the building was added a new wing in Poºta Veche street (the present N. Golescu street) and a monumental staur was added to the rotunda on the ground-floor. -The Romanian architect Leonida Negrescu was the author of the extension that included the monumental stair on the ground-floor.
Between 1924–1927 the halls of the building basement were refurbished.
Between 1933-1937, the painter Costin Petrescu made the large fresco in the concert hall, showing historic scenes, adding a patriotic message to the Belle Epoque inside, by a reach decoration contrasting with the severe front sides. The work of 75 sq. M length and 3 m width was started in 1933 in "al fresco" technique and was inaugurated on May 26, 1938.
According to the same interest in decoration it should be mentioned the constant interest uttered by C. Exarhu and Al. Odobescu, since 1888, in achieving the monumental fresco on the circular wall of the hall, a fresco that had to evoke the most important moments of our national history by also giving a true image of the Romanian soul specificity.
On the initiative of George Enescu, funds were collected for the installation of the concert organon (1935).
1962-1965 - the ventilation and air-conditioning system (dating since 1888) of the concert hall was restored, as well as thre halls in the basement.
1992-1998 - ample strengthening and restoration works: biodegradation sanitation, strengthening of side-buildings, portic, foyer skylight, spiral-shaped stairs, whole front side restoration by means of homogenous materials, restoration of the concert hall finishing and decorations, stage enlargement, furniture repairing, installations modernization (climatizing, fire distribution netwrok, electric equipment).
Strengthening and restorations intermitently went on till 2004.
System of protection of the cultural property, monument, natural or urban site, or site that has played a key role in European history, if appropriate
It has been listed with the Historic Monuments List since the year 2004, under code B-II-m-A-18789, as an A value group architecture monument of national and universal value.
Also protected by Law no. 5/2000 concerning the approval of the Plan on the National Territory Structuring - PATN, Section III, Protected Zones, Values of the cultural patrimony of national interest, (historic monuments of national, exceptional value).
State of preservation of the site/object
Its conservation status is very good due to the late strengthening-restoration works. It was strengthened and restored during the period 2000-2004, by Raluca Nicoara, architect & al. end Dragos Badea, dipl. eng.
It has been reopened after the year 2004 on the occasion of a new "George Enescu International Festival".
Policy to promote and enhance the appreciation of the site/property (detail actions already performed and required)
Permanent musical activities. Audience attracted by annual subscriptions and cultural manifestations enjoying extraordinary participation. Notoriety The « George Enescu International Festival » generates an audience interested in permanently participating in the cultural activities carried on. In fact, the Athenaeum is the first stage of the country, where there are performed the most important philharmonic concerts in Romania.
Cultural exchanges and networking
Concerts and events promoted by partners.
Among the partners: Radio România Cultural, 7 Seri, TVR, and Reader's Digest.
Heritage and creative activities
Benefiting from this hall, the "Romanian Athenaeum" Society has diversified its activity, the Athenaeum halls being the host of conferences, symphonic concerts performed by the Romanian Philharmonic Society founded since 1868 by Eduard Wachmann, as well as painting exhibitions (starting with 1894, the official belle-arte manifestations were organized in this hall). As a matter of fact, the Philharmonic Orchestra has permanently performed concerts since the very inauguration of the hall in 1888 up to nowadays, an exception being the period between the years 2000 - 2004, dedicated to the strengthening and restoration works. International Festival and Competition George Enescu, numerous concerts and performances organized with the participation of European artists.
Sources and level of finance
National, financing level - Financing grounded by a loan obtained through the agency of the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs, guaranteed by the Romanian Government and granted by the Bank for Development of the European Council (BDCE), amounting five million Euro. The loan covered the cost of the works for the strengthening, restoration and modernization of the large hall for concerts, of the dome, as well as for the restoration of the decorating zinc plate cover of the dome.
Atheneul Român
Numele monumentului
Atheneul Român
Proprietarul monumentului/ administrator
Ministerul Culturii si Cultelor, administrator Filarmonica "George Enescu"
Autoritati publice sau private responsabile pentru monument
Adresa postala
Bucuresti, sector 1, str. Franklin nr. 1-3
Coordonate geografice
Latitudine nordica 44o26'29"
Longitudine estica 26o05'55"

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Motivele înscrierii pe Lista Patrimoniului European
Cluburile literare din prima jumatate a secolului al XIX-lea au purtat numele de Athenaeum, dupa academia lui Hadrian înfiintata la Roma în 135 p. Hr. Astfel, în întreaga Europa iau nastere în cadrul academiilor din Lyon, Marsilia, Londra, etc. asezaminte culturale întâi cu caracter privat, apoi utilizate în scopul diseminarii culturii. Modelele organizatorilor "Atheneului Român" au fost asezamintele similare din Torino, Madrid, Paris. Acest caracter popular al Atheneului român a obisnuit publicul larg ca un loc al creatiei- oameni de stiinta, scriitori, artisti, etc. Astfel, C. Esarcu, V.A Ureche si N. Kretulescu au înfiintat la Bucuresti în anul 1865 institutia Ateneul Român cu scopul "înzestrarii poporului cu cunostinte folositoare".
Ateneul a fost imaginat ca "un palat al stiintei si artelor" unde publicul cel mai larg avea acces într-o ambianta fastuoasa la binefacerile culturii-expozitii concerte si conferinte, biblioteca, pinacoteca si chiar mai târziu proiectii de filme.
In 1886, la recomandarea lui Charles Garnier (autorul Operei din Paris) a fost ales arhitectul francez Albert Galleron, pentru a proiecta constructia Ateneului care a fost inaugurat la 14 februarie 1888. Devine simbol al capitalei Regatului Român.
Edificiu reprezentativ pentru capitala tarii este asezat pe una din cele mai vechi si mai reprezentative artere, Calea Victoriei, vis-a-vis de Palatul Regal.
Monument clasat în grupa valorica A, grupa de interes national si universal. Stare de conservare foarte buna (restaurare-consolidare finalizata în 2004)
Edificiul adaposteste periodic, renumitul Festival si Concursul International George Enescu.
Aici îsi are sediul Filarmonica "G. Enescu" si tot aici au concertat unii dintre cei mai de seama dirijori si solisti interpreti ai veacului XX: Erich Kleiber, Sergiu Celibidache, Ionel Perlea, Herbert von Karajan, Dinu Lipatti, Arthur Rubinstein, Pablo Casals, Yehudi Menuhin. In prezent edificiul gazduieste în permanenta, concursuri, concerte, expozitii si evenimente muzicale.
Obiectiv turistic si cultural mentionat în toate publicatiile de prezentare a capitalei.
Descrierea monumentului
  • Parcela pe care se afla Ateneul Român este situata în situl istoric al Bucurestiului între strazile N. Golescu (NE), Constantin Esarcu (NV), Piata George Enescu (SV), Str. Franklin (SE). Edificiu reprezentativ pentru capitala tarii, este asezat pe una din cele mai vechi si mai reprezentative artere, Calea Victoriei.
  • Parcela cuprinde cladirea initiala a Atheneului (1886-1889), extinderea sa ulterioara (1893-1897) si parcul în care este amplasat.
  • Corpul principal contine marea sala de concerte si conferinte amplasata pe fostele fundatii pregatite pentru un circ si manej de cai ale Societatii ecvestre române, forma care a influentat planimetria salii.
  • Construita în stil neoclasic cu multe elemente de decoratie tipice arhitecturii franceze de sfârsit de secol, constructia de plan central prezinta mai degraba un stil eclectic.
  • Fatada edificiului este un peristil cu o latime de 48 m. Cele 8 coloane ale peristilului are 12 metri înaltime, fiind identice în dimensiuni cu cele ale Erechteion–ului din Atena. Dimensiunile salilor de concerte sunt 28,5 m în diametru si 16 m înaltime. Inaltimea totala a cladirii pâna în vârful cupolei este de 41 m.
  • Sala de concert are urmatoarele caracteristici: 28,50 m diametru, 16 m înaltime si capacitate aproximativ 794 locuri, iar înaltimea totala a cladirii este de 41 m. Partea centrala a parterului este sustinuta de 12 coloane realizate în stucatura; din rotonda se ajunge în sala prin 4 scari monumentale din marmura de Carrara si tot din rotonda porneste si scara de onoare. Pe pereti salii se desfasoara fresca realizata de prof. Costin Petrescu, fresca ce reprezinta în 25 de episoade momente importante din istoria românilor. Lucrarea în lungime de 75 mp si latime de 3 m începuta în 1933 în tehnica "al fresco" va fi inaugurata la 26 mai 1938.
  • In 1935, la initiativa lui George Enescu se vor strânge fonduri pentru constructia orgii de concert, amplasata în fundalul scenei.
  • Portile de fier forjat ce închid aleea de intrare în edificiu–parte din împrejmuirea gradinii care se desfasoara pâna la Calea Victoriei, precum si porticul neogrec sub frontonul în ordonanta ionica si cupola (pe structura metalica) au circulat o vreme ca emblema a Bucurestiului.
  • In parcul din fata edificiului este amplasata statuia poetului de talie universala, Mihail Eminescu, executata în bronz, de sculptorul Gh. Anghel, 1963.
Istoric, rolul jucat în Istoria Europei
Arhitectul francez Albert Galleron a fost ales de Constantin Esarcu fondatorul Societatii Ateneul Român pentru a realiza construirea cladirii.
Constructia apare ca o necesitate de desfasurare a activitatilor multiple (culturale, stiintifice, artistice) ale Societatii Ateneul Român, ca urmare a dezvoltarii unei retele "Atheneum" în întreaga Europa.
Ca institutie Societatea Ateneul Român a fost întemeiata în 1865 de catre Constantin Esarcu, V.A. Ureche si Nicolae Cretulescu.
Edificiul se realizeaza în doua etape (1886-1889; 1893-1897) cu fonduri obtinute prin subscriptie publica.
In 1889 (data inaugurarii), este terminat corpul principal cu marea sala de concerte si conferinte amplasata pe fostele fundatii pregatite pentru un circ si manej de cai ale Societatii ecvestre române.
Intre 1893-1897 din fondurile Ministerului Instructiunii Publice cladirea este completata cu o noua aripa spre strada Posta Veche (actuala strada N. Golescu) si se adauga rotondei de la parter o scara monumentala.
Dupa primul razboi mondial cladirea adaposteste Parlamentul tarii si se stabileste ca proprietar al întregului edificiu Societatea Ateneul Român.
Intre 1893-1897 din fondurile Ministerului Instructiunii Publice cladirea este completata cu o noua aripa spre strada Posta Veche (actuala strada N. Golescu) si se adauga rotondei de la parter o scara monumentala - autor arhitectul român Leonida Negrescu.
Intre 1924 - 1927 se amenajeaza salile de la subsolul cladirii.
Intre 1933-1937, pictorul Costin Petrescu lucreaza la marea fresca a salii de concert, cu scene istorice, adaugând un mesaj patriotic interiorului Belle Epoque, cu o decoratie debordanta, în contrast cu fatadele austere. Lucrarea în lungime de 75 mp si latime de 3 m începuta în 1933 în tehnica "al fresco" va fi inaugurata la 26 mai 1938. In sfera aceluiasi interes pentru decoratie intra si preocuparea constanta formulata de C. Exarhu si Al. Odobescu înca din 1888, de a se realiza o monumentala fresca pe peretele circular al salii, fresca ce trebuia sa evoce momentele cele mai importante ale istoriei noastre nationale, dar în acelasi timp sa creeze o imagine fidela a specificitatii sufletului românesc.
La initiativa lui George Enescu se vor strânge fonduri pentru constructia orgii de concert (1935).
1962-1965 - se reface sistemul de ventilare si conditionare a salii de concerte (realizat înca din 1888) si a salilor de la subsol.
1992-1998 - au loc ample lucrari de consolidare si restaurare: asanarea biodegradarii, consolidari la corpurile laterale, la portic, luminator, foyer, scarile în spirala, refacerea integrala a fatadei cu materiale omogene, refacerea finisajelor si elementelor decorative a salii de concert, marirea scenei, refacerea mobilierului, modernizarea instalatiilor (climatizare, retea de distributie incendiu, electrice).
Consolidarile si restaurarile au continuat cu intermitente pâna în 2004.
Sistemul de protectie
Este înscris in Lista Monumentelor Istorice din anul 2004, sub codul B-II-m-A-18789, monument de arhitectura de grupa valorica A, de valoare nationala si universala.
Protejat si prin Legea nr.5/2000, Lege privind aprobarea Planului de Amenajare a Teritoriului National-PATN, Sectiunea III, Zone protejate, Valori de patrimoniul cultural de interes national, (monumente istorice de valoare nationala, exceptionala).
Stare de conservare
Starea de conservare este foarte buna, datorata lucrarilor recente de consolidare-restaurare.
A fost consolidat si restaurat în perioada 2000-2004, de arh. Raluca Nicoara & al. si ing. Dragos Badea.
A fost dat in folosinta si redeschis dupa anul 2004 cu ocazia unui nou "Festival International George Enescu".
Politica de promovare a monumentului
Activitati muzicale permanente. Public atras prin abonamente anuale si manifestari culturale cu participari extraordinare. Notorietatea Festivalul international George Enescu genereaza un public interesat sa participe în permanenta la activitatile culturale lansate. Ateneul este de fapt prima scena a tarii în care se desfasoara cele mai importante concerte filarmonice din tara.
Schimburi culturale
Concerte si evenimente promovate de parteneri. Printre parteneri : Radio România Cultural, 7 Seri, TVR, Reader's Digest.
Functiune/Activitati creative
Beneficiind de acest edificiu, Societatea "Ateneul Român" si-a diversificat activitatea, în salile Ateneului având loc conferinte, concerte simfonice ale Societatii Filarmonice Române (înfiintata înca din 1868 de catre Eduard Wachmann), precum si expozitii de pictura (începând din 1894 saloanele oficiale de belle-arte s-au desfasurat în aceasta sala). De altfel, Orchestra Filarmonicii va concerta permanent din ziua darii în folosinta a salii în 1888, si pâna în ziua de azi, exceptie perioada de consolidare-restaurare din anii 2000-2004. Monumentul gazduieste Festivalul si Concursul International George Enescu, precum si numeroase concerte si spectacole montate prin participarea unor artisti din Europa.
Nivelul de finantare

Nivelul de finantare, national

-Finantare pe baza unui împrumut intermediat de Ministerul Culturii si Cultelor, garantat de Guvernul român si acordat de Banca de Dezvoltare a Consiliului Europei (BDCE) în valoare de cinci milioane de euro. Imprumutul a acoperit costul lucrarilor pentru consolidarea, restaurarea si modernizarea salii mari de concerte, a cupolei, precum si refacerea învelitorii decorative din tabla de zinc a cupolei.

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La citadelle d'Histria
Nom de la propriété culturelle, du monument, du site naturel ou urbain, ou du site ayant joué un rôle important pour l'histoire européenne.
La citadelle d'Histria, Liste des Monuments Historiques code, CT-I-s-A-02681, monument a valeur national et universelle
Propriétaire de la propriété culturelle, du monument, du site naturel ou urbain, ou du site ayant joué un rôle important pour l'histoire européenne
Musée National d'Archéologie - Constanta, Conseil du District de Constanta
Athorités publiques ou privées responsables pour le site ou la propriété (management délégué)
Le Ministere de la Culture et des Cultes,
Responsable pour l'administration de l'édifice: Le Conseil du District par le Musée de Constanta
Responsabilité scientifique: Institut d'Archéologie Vasile Pârvan, Bucarest
Responsable pour l'administration des fonds et pour la surveillance des travaux: Office National des Monuments Historiques
Adresse postale
Coordonnées géographiques de la propriété culturelle, du monument, du site naturel ou urbain, ou du site ayant joué un rôle important pour l'histoire européenne
longitude et latitude: 44°32'50.27"N, 28°46'25.17"E

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Description de la propriété culturelle, du monument, du site naturel ou urbain, ou du site ayant joué un rôle important pour l'histoire européenne
Histria, une colonie grecque en Dobroudja sur la côte de la Mer Noire (aujourd'hui au bord du Lac Sinoe), a été fondée vers la moitié du 7-eme siecle avant JC par de colonistes de Miletus (conformément aux données transmises par Eusebius, une possible date de fondement peut etre les années 657/656 avant JC, et, conformément a une tradition mentionnée par Ps. Skymnos, l'année 630 BC peut représenter la date du fondement de l'établissement) et elle a existé pour 14 siecles, jusqu'au 7-eme siecle AD.
Elle est la plus vieille colonie grecque sur la côte occidentale de la Mer Noire, et l'une des premieres fondées dans le basin de cette mer.
Pendant le V-eme siecle avant JC, Histria est devenue un vrais polis, avec un développement institutionnel démocratique confirmé par les ouvrages d'Aristote et avec un développement urbain confirmé par une nouvelle muraille de cité et par de nouveaux temples dédiés a de diverses déités. Histria est la premiere cité grecque ancienne a la Mer Noire qui a émis monnaie et, il est tres probable, la cité fut membre de la Ligue Délianne d'Athenes. Du fait qu'elle avait de bonnes relations avec le royaume Odrysien des Thraces et avec les Scythes sur la côte nordique de la Mer Noire, la cité a évolué en paix jusqu'au dernier quart du IV-eme siecle avant JC, lorsqu'elle a été détruite pendant le conflit qui a oppose le roi Philippe de la Macédoine aux Scythes conduits par Ataeas.
Pendant l'époque hellénistique, en dépit des conditions plutôt défavorables, Histria a pu continuer son développement économique, politique et culturel. Cela a été aussi une nouvelle époque de développement édilitaire – nous pouvons voir une nouvelle muraille de l'acropole, de nouveau temples dans la Zone Sacrée de la cité et une nouvelle muraille de cité entourant le site entier. Pendant le premier siecle avant JC, pour une courte période, la cité a été sous l'influence de Burebista, le Roi des Daces. La domination romane a représenté une nouvelle période de prospérité pour Histria, période interrompue par les invasions répétées des Goths. Une cité a été construite pendant le regne d'Hadrian et, apres la destruction causée par les Goths, un nouvel autre a été construit vers la moitié du III-eme siecle A.D. Les derniers moments de prospérité de la cité correspondent aux regnes des Empereurs Constantin le Grand et Justinian (un témoignage sur sa politique utilitaire a Histria étant la basilique épiscopale a dimensions impressionnantes: 60 m de longueur et 30 m. de largeur).
Apres 14 siecles d'existence, vers la moitié du VII-eme siecle A.D., Histria a cessé de vivre. Le site ne fut jamais occupé par un autre établissement et, ainsi, les conditions offertes aux recherches archéologiques sont remarquables de ce point de vue.
Systeme de protection pour la propriété culturelle, le monument, le site naturel ou urbain, ou le site ayant joué un rôle important pour l'histoire européenne, le cas échéant
Protection par l"Ordonnance du Gouvernement no. 43 sur la protection de l'héritage archéologique, Loi 422/2001 sur la protection des monuments historiques.
En tant que monument sur la Liste des Monuments Historiques, listage pendant Juillet 2004, - monument a valeur nationale et internationale.
Tous les travaux de restauration conditionnés par l'obtention de l'approbation issue par la Commission Nationale pour Monuments Historiques (Ministere de la Culture et des Cultes).
Tous les travaux de construction conditionnés par l'obtention d'une autorisation de construction issue par le Conseil du District de Constanta.
Politique sur la promotion et l'accroissement de l'appréciation du site/de la propriété (détails sur les actions déja entreprises et necessaries)
Comme les questions concernant de nombreux points soulignés au-dessus peuvent avoir des réponses données exclusivement par les archéologues d'Histria – en considérant que les résultats de ces recherches vont etre publiées, notre génération étant la seule capable a offrir aux Roumains et au monde scientifique international au moins autres dix volumes de la série monographique sur Histria.
En entourant par une clôture de protection la superficie de presque 73 ha, officiellement en cours – exclusivement pour les travaux archéologiques, on pourrait démarrer le processus de préservation des monuments extremement importants sur le plateau occidental, qui peut etre en mauvais état juste le lendemain ou a la fin de ces travaux idéals s'ils ne sont plein de succes.
Le Conseil du District de Constanta est impliqué dans de différents projets européens tells que le circuit des sites romans (le circuit des ensembles romans) RESIDE, fondé par la Commission Européenne, 2005-2007
Echanges culturels et réseaux
Histria est la plus vieille cité grecque sur le territoire roumain.
Héritage et actions créatrices
Signal sur des sites archéologiques, dans des secteurs différents
- Tourisme culturel
Des chemins culturels incluant des visites aux sites de Dobroudja, Histria, Tropaeum Traiani, Adamclisi, Callatis, Tomis etc.
Réorganisation du musée du site par un programme d'informations et publicité sur les valeurs du site par le web site et par de publications sur papier (guides, brochures etc.)
Sources et niveau de financement
Le Ministere de la Culture et des Cultes – pour les recherches archéologiques.
Le Conseil du District de Constanta
Budget et sources de financement pour la préservation des propriétés culturelles, les monuments, les sites naturels ou urbains, ou les sites ayant joué un rôle important pour l'histoire européenne, et pour promouvoir une stratégie.
Réhabilitation et promotion du site archéologique par des voies culturelles
Consolidation, réparation, modernisation des espaces du musée archéologique d'Histria, superficie 2400 m2.
Musée National d'Histoire et Archéologie,
Le Conseil du District de Constanta
Le Conseil Local d'Histria,
Fonds de financement- 120.000 euro, Le Conseil du District de Constanta
62.500 e- Phare funds
Support financier pour le programme Hiperb, finance par le Gouvernement de Grece
Activités entreprises/planifiées pour augmenter le profil et le caractere représentatif du site

Le projet proposé va résulter dans une amélioration radicale de la valorisation du site archéologique, dans l'implémentation du plan sur l'administration et dans l'accroissement significatif de la maniere dont le public devient conscient de ce site grec.
Ce projet sera tres utile pas seulement pour le site, mais aussi pour d'autres sites archéologiques et monuments roumains, en offrant un modele conceptuel sur l'implémentation du plan sur l'administration pour des périodes courtes, moyennes et longues.
Voici les buts principaux:

  • réalisation et implémentation du plan sur l'administration et d'une application GIS qui vont assurer la surveillance du site;
  • interventions urgentes en faveur des monuments grecs;
  • travaux de restauration pour les monuments grecs;
  • un systeme de cartouches informatifs remplacés en ville;
  • renouvellement du musée du site en vertu de l'idée de multiculture;

Dobrogea - Roumanie, de Vama Veche à Tulcea, du Danube à la mer

Histria Fortress
Name of the cultural property, monument, natural or urban site, or site that has played a key role in European history.
Histria Fortress, List of Historical Monuments code, CT-I-s-A-02681, monument with national and international value
Owner of the cultural property, monument, natural or urban site, or site that has played a key role in European history
National Museum of Archaeology Constanta, Constanta County Council
Public or private authorities responsible for the site or property (delegated management)
Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs
The responsible for the management of the building: County Council through the Museum of Constanta
Scientific responsibility: Archaeological Institute Vasile Pârvan, Bucuresti
The responsible for administering the funds and overseeing the works: National Office for Historical Monuments
Postal address
Geographic coordinates of the cultural property, monument, natural or urban site, or site that has played a key role in European history
longitudine si latitudine: 44°32'50.27"N, 28°46'25.17"E

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Reasons for listing
How is this heritage site/object, which has played a key role in European history, emblematic of European identity? Which listing criteria does it fulfil (see criteria listed under âHeritage Committee of Europeâ, article 5 of the rules of procedure)?
Description of the cultural property, monument, natural or urban site, or site that has played a key role in European history
Histria, Greek colony on the Dobrudja coast of the Black Sea (today on the Sinoe Lake bank), was founded by the middle of the 7th century BC, by colonists from Miletus (according to the data conveyed by Eusebius, a possible founding date could be the years 657/656 BC, and according to the tradition mentioned by Ps. Skymnos, the year 630 BC could represent the date of the foundation of the settlement) and existed for 14 centuries, until the 7th century AD. It is the oldest Greek colony on the West coast of the Black Sea, and one of the first founded in the basin of this sea.
During the Vth century B.C. Histria became a real polis, with a democratic institutional development confirmed by the writings of Aristotle and with an urban development confirmed by a new city wall and new temples dedicated to various deities. Histria is the first ancient Greek cities of the Black Sea which struck coins and there is a very high probability that it was a member of the Athenian Delian Ligue. Due to the fact that it had good relations with both the Odrysian kingdom of Thracians and with the Scythes from the northern shore of the Black Sea coast the city evolved peacefully till the last quarter of the IVth century B.C. when it is destroyed during the conflict that opposed the Macedonian king Philip II to the Scythes led by Ataeas.
In the Hellenistic age, despite the rather unfavorable conditions, Histria was able to continue its economical, political and cultural development. It is also a new development age from the urbanistic point of view when we can see a new wall of the acropolis being into function, new temples in the Sacred Area of the city and a new city wall running around the whole site. During the first century B.C., for a short while, the city entered under the influence of the Dacian King Burebista. The Roman domination was representing a new period of prosperity for Histria, interrupted by the repeated Gothic invasions. A city wall was built during the reign of Hadrian and after the Gothic destruction a new one was built by the middle of the IIIrd century A.D. The last moments of prosperity of the city correspond to the reigns of the Emperors Constantin the Great and Justinian (a testimony about his utilitarian politics in Histria being the bishopric basilica with impressive dimensions: 60 m length and 30 m. wide).
After 14 centuries of existence, at the middle of the VIIth century A.D., Histria ceased its life. The site was never occupied by an other settlement ever since and the conditions offered for the archaeological researches are, from this point of view, remarkable the archaeological researches are, from this point of view, remarkable
History of the cultural property, monument, natural or urban site, or site that has played a key role in European history
How did the cultural property, monument, natural or urban site, or site that has played a key role in European history achieve its present form and state? Has it changed significantly (include a description of recent conservation measures)?
System of protection of the cultural property, monument, natural or urban site, or site that has played a key role in European history, if appropriate
Protected by Gov. Ord. no. 43 on the protection of the archaeological heritage, Law 422/2001 on the protection of historical monuments.
As historical monument listed in List of Historical Monuments, July 2004, as monument with national and international value.
All restoration works under the condition of obtaining the approval of the National Commission for the Historic Monuments (Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs).
All construction works under the condition of obtaining a construction authorization from the Constanta County Council.
State of preservation of the site/object
How is the cultural property, monument, natural or urban site, or site that has played a key role in European history used and managed? What state of conservation is it in? Is there a risk of deterioration? How?
Policy to promote and enhance the appreciation of the site/property (detail actions already performed and required)
As the questions regarding the numerous issues emphasized above can be answered exclusively of Histria archaeologists - considering that the results of these researches will be published, only our generation being able to offer the Romanian and international scientific world at least ten more volumes of the Histria monographic series.
surrounding with a protection fence the almost 73 hectares surface, officially in operation - exclusively for the archaeological works, one could begin the process of preservation of extremely important monuments on the west plateau, that might be badly damaged starting from the following day or at the end of such ideal works, if they fail to be performed.
Constanta County Council, is involved in different European projects as Romanistic circuit, (circuitul Romanitatii) RESIDE, funded by European Commission, 2005-2007
Cultural exchanges and networking
Histria is the most ancient Greek town on the Romanian territory.
How will the cultural properties, monuments, natural or urban sites, or sites that have played a key role in European history form part of cross-border or transnational European exchange networks?
Do they benefit from cooperation between players in the private and public cultural sphere, local authorities, or national and European Union institutions?
Heritage and creative activities
The signalization of the archaeological site, different sectors
- Cultural tourism
Cultural roads including visit sites in Dobrogea, Histria, Tropaeum Traiani, Adamclisi, Callatis, Tomis, etc.
The reorganization of the site museum
a program of public information and advertisement on the values of the site through a web site and paper publications (guides, leaflets etc);
Do the listed cultural properties, monuments, natural or urban sites, or sites that have played a key role in European history promote a range of artistic and cultural activities (events, festivals, artist-in-residence schemes) in order to strengthen the mobility of artists in Europe and to foster an on-going dialogue between heritage and creative activities?
Sources and level of finance
Ministry of Culture and religious Affairs- for archaeological researches.
Constanta County Council
Budget and sources of finance for the conservation of the cultural properties, monuments, natural and urban sites, or sites that have played a key role in European history, and for the promotion strategy.
Rehabilitation and promotion of the archaeological site through the cultural routes
Consolidation, reparation, modernization spaces of the archeological museum from Histria, surface 2400 qm.
National Museum of History and Archaeology, Constanta County Council,
Local County Istria,
Financing funds- 120.000 e, Constanta County Council
62.500 e - Phare funds
Financial support for the programme Hiperb, financed by the Greek government
Activities taken/planned to heighten the profile and representativeness of the site
The proposed project will have as a result the radical improvement of the valorization of the archaeological site, the implementation of a management plan and a significant growing of the public awareness of this Greek site.
This project will be very useful not only for this site, but for the other Romanian archaeological sites and monuments by offering a conceptual model of the implementation of a management plan for short, medium and long term.
The main aims are:
- the realization and implementation of a management plan and of a GIS application that will insure the monitoring of the site;
- urgent interventions for the Greek monuments;
- restoration works for the Greek monuments;
- a system of informative panels in the city;
- the refection of the exhibition of the site museum around the idea of multiculturalism;
Links The archaeological site of Histria
Cetatea Histria
Tara Romania
Regiune/provincie Dobrogea
Numele monumentului Cetatea Histria, inclusa pe Lista Monumentelor Istorice, cu codul CT-I-s-A-02681, monument cu valoare nationala si internationala
Proprietarul monumentului/ administrator Muzeul National de Arheologie Constanta, Consiliul Judetean Constanta
Autoritati publice sau private responsabile pentru monument Ministerul Culturii si Cultelor,
Autoritatea responsabila pentru gestionarea monumentului: Consiliul Judetean, prin Muzeul Constanta
Raspundere stiintifica: Institutul Arheologic " Vasile Pârvan" , Bucuresti
Adresa postala -
Coordonate geografice ale proprietatii culturale, ale monumentului, obiectivului natural sau urban, ori ale sitului care a jucat un rol important în istoria Europei longitudine si latitudine: 44°32'50.27"N, 28°46'25.17"E

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Motive pentru includerea în lista Ea este cea mai veche colonie greaca din vestul Pontului Euxin si una dintre primele întemeiate în bazinul acestei mari, fiind în acelasi timp primul oras atestat pe teritoriul actualei Românii.
Descrierea proprietatii culturale, a monumentului, obiectivului natural sau urban, ori a sitului care a jucat un rol important în istoria Europei Histria este primul oras grecesc de pe tarmul Marii Negre care a batut monezi, fiind astfel foarte probabil sa fi fost membru al Ligii Delaine din Atena. Având în vedere bunele sale relatii cu regatul Odris al tracilor, cât si cu scitii de pe tarmul Nordic al Marii Negre, orasul a evoluat pasnic pâna în ultima parte a secolului IV a.Chr., când a fost distrus în timpul unei lupte dintre regele Filip II al Macedoniei si scitii condusi de Ateas.
In epoca elenistica, în ciuda conditiilor destul de nefavorabile, Histria si-a putut continua dezvoltarea sa economica, politica si culturala. Este, de asemenea, o noua epoca de dezvoltare si din punct de vedere urbanistic. Atunci a fost ridicat noul zid al cetatii, au fost construite noi temple în Zona Sacra a orasului, cât si un nou zid de împrejmuire pastrat de-a lungul întregului sit. In primul secol a.Chr., pentru o scurta perioada de timp, orasul s-a aflat sub influenta regelui dac Burebista. Dominatia romana reprezinta o noua perioada de înflorire pentru Histria, intrerupta, însa, de repetatele invazii ale gotilor. In timpul împaratului Hadrian a fost construit un nou zid al cetatii, iar dupa distrugerea acestuia de catre goti a fost ridicat un nou zid la jumatatea secolului III p.Chr. Ultimele clipe de prosperitate au fost în timpul domniei împaratilor Constantin cel Mare si Iustinian (o marturie a politicii utilitariste a acestuia ramasa în Histria fiind basilica episcopala, având dimensiuni impresionante: 60 m lungime si 30 m. latime).Dupa 14 secole de existenta, la jumatatea secolului VII p.Chr., Histria si-a încetat existenta. Situl nu a mai fost niciodata ocupat de un alt edificiu, ceea ce a creat conditii remarcabile pentru cercetarile arheologice
Istoricul proprietatii culturale, al monumentului, obiectivului natural sau urban, ori al sitului care a jucat un rol important în istoria Europei Histria, colonie greaca pe tarmul dobrogean al Marii Negre (astazi pe maulul lacului Sinoe), a fost întemeiata catre mijlocul secolului VII a.Chr., de catre colonisti din Milet (conform stirilor transmise de Eusebius, o posibila data a întemeierii ar fi de plasat în anii 657/656 a. Chr, iar dupa traditia mentionata de catre Ps.-Skymnos, anul 630 a.Chr. ar putea reprezenta data fondarii cetatii) si a existat vreme de 14 secole, pâna în sec. VII p.Chr. Ea este cea mai veche colonie greaca din vestul Pontului Euxin si una dintre primele întemeiate în bazinul acestei mari. In secolul V a.Chr. Histria devine un adevarat polis, cu o dezvoltare institutionala democratica ce este confirmata de scrierile lui Aristotel, cât si cu o dezvoltare urbana confirmata de noul zid al cetatii si noile temple dedicate diverselor zeitati.
Sistemul de protectie al proprietatii culturale, monumentului, obiectivului natural sau urban, ori a sitului care a jucat un rol important în istoria Europei, daca exista Protejat prin O.G. nr. 43 privind protejarea patrimoniului arheologic, Legea 422/2001 privind protejarea monumentelor istorice
Monument istoric inclus pe Lista Monumentelor Istorice, în iulie 2004, ca monument de valoare nationala si internationala.
Toate lucrarile de restaurare se vor desfasura sub rezerva obtinerii aprobarii Comisiei Nationale a Monumentelor Istorice (Ministerul Culturii si Cultelor).
Toate lucrarile de constructie se vor desfasura sub rezerva obtinerii autorizatiei de constructie din partea Consiliului Judetean Constanta.
Starea de conservare a sitului/obiectivului buna
Politica de promovare si consolidare a sitului/proprietatii (prezentati actiunile deja realizate si necesare în continuare) Suprafata de aproximativ 73 de hectare, este împrejmuita de un gard de protectie;

Consiliul judetean Constanta este implicat în mai multe proiecte europene, precum "Circuitul Romanitatii" RESIDE, finantat de Comisia Europeana, 2005-2007
Schimburi si retele culturale Situl este pe lista Programului Consiliului Europei,Integrated Rehabilitation Project Plan/Survey on the Architectural and Archaeological Heritage (IRPP/SAAH) 2003 - 2006
Activitati creative si de patrimoniu Semnalizarea sitului arheologic, în diferite sectoare
Turism cultural - organizarea de trasee culturale care includ vizite la siturile din Dobrogea, Histria, Tropaeum Traiani, Adamclisi, Calatis, Tomis, etc.
Reorganizarea muzeului sitului, implementarea unui program de informare a publicului si de promovare a valorilor sitului prin site-uri de Internet si publicatii (ghiduri, brosuri, etc);
Surse si nivelul de finantare Ministerul Culturii si Cultelor- pentru cercetari arheologice.
Consiliul Judetean Constanta

Consolidarea, repararea si modernizarea Muzeului de Arheologie Histria, în suprafata de 2400 m2.

Muzeul National de Istorie si Arheologie, Consiliul Judetean Constanta,
Consiliul local Istria, Finantare - 120,000 Eur, Consiliul Judetean Constanta,
62,500 EUR- Fonduri Phare
Sprijin financiar pentru programul Hiperb, finantat de Guvernul Greciei
Activitati desfasurate/planificate pentru a consolida imaginea si nivelul de reprezentativitate al sitului Elaborarea si punerea în aplicare a unui plan de gestionare si a unei aplicatii GIS care sa asigure monitorizarea sitului;
  • interventii în regim de urgenta pentru monumentele grecesti;
  • lucrari de restaurare ale monumentelor grecesti;
    • un sistem de panouri de informare în oras;
    • organizarea muzeului de pe sit pe principiul multiculturalismului;

Situl arheologic Histria

Histria – cetatea grecilor de la Marea Neagra

Cetatea Histria. Muzeul Histria. Primul oraș din România.

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